my adventures in South Korea as an native english teacher-

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Keep still in the midst of chaos

If we are to find contentment in the midst of trial and uncertainty, we must accept our situation as being purposely allowed into our lives by God. Living the "what if and if only" disease will cause us to dwell on what we don't have instead of on what we do have; we lose perspective and lose an opportunity to trust God with the situation is,no matter how difficult.

Well this is never the trip I imagined to South Korea ever. 

I thought that I would be teaching right now to little kids about fashion and what it is and sharing my love of it to them with my Korean Co-teacher. I was envisioning happy faces and skits. On my plane ride over I even watched a little kids show while I feel asleep going over the pacific ocean. 

Now though I live in almost a nightmare before christmas state. Its the feeling you get when you watch some fall down the stairs. At first it is kinda funny at first glance, like the idea of a group quarantine, we all thought it was a joke- literally-. Then you begin to watch the person fall, and watching that person fall gives you a punch in the stomach and it kinda hurts, like it hurt me to see my friend Christine get taken to the hospital. Then you see the person pick themselves up  alone and dealing with their pain. How many people would be that person who would help the person stand up and gather themselves? I dont know who would, who are the people that just stand there laughing and pointing? most people just pass them by with out a word too. I can only hope now after going through this horrible experience that we can all become the person that wants to help the person up, because we have all trying so hard to make the best of this situation. We have all been cooperative and helpful. I mean you try living with a group of people for about 12 days who have never really known each other, and coming together it is quite amazing. I have never felt so lucky to be with a group of individuals who are so helpful and considerate of each other. We could all make or break this situation, yet we choose to be the help and listen to each other. Our experience coming into this may not have been what I expected but it is truly extradinary how people can make a difference in each others lives. I'm also really thankful for my roomate who is so caring and listens to my dumb stories about my dad (who is by the way a big happy man. Not to mention she puts up with my obessesion with the air conditioner and all my other weird habits. She is probably my favorite 2nd grade teacher I have ever met. Shannon is awesome too, she may not be my roomate but I feel like I may have known her before. She is great and always listening and making sure I'm okay. I can only hope I am as caring and helpful as both of these wonderful ladies. Kristin is our portland state representative and has taken on the leadership role for our group with such a great attitude and is always there for us to talk to. I don't know how she can handle all this stress with such a bright smile on her face, I'm so so thankful for her presence here. For those of you I didnt mention I do apperciate you and all the things you do for me.

Secondly In these types of situations as well we find out the importance of family and friends . I am so incredibly grateful to my family as they have been my rock and the lord my hope. My friends who are always there for me and responding with much needed encouragement. I am grateful beyond words for all the support I have been given, the people in my life are truly a blessing to me. The values of community are shown too. I used to think being from a small town was not cool mind you, now though I am very very happy to be from a small town. Coos Bay is maybe the best place on earth to have roots, because a small town always remembers their people, and maybe it isnt so bad to walk into safeway and have the cashier ask me how my mom is.  

The prayer outreach that I have had as well, and the response to it has been very powerful in my every day life. Thank you so much to all of the people that are praying now and continue to pray as I and my group go through this. All your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.

I have 3 more days until I to get tested along with everyone else. Please pray that we are all well and that the tamiflu will cure anyone that isnt feeling well now. 

until I write again thank you for your support and kind words - as they are very appreciated

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About Me

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OR, United States
I'm a student who is studying international studies and does fashion design.